Clarity: Migraine Relief
This is an invitation to take control into your own hands and start freeing yourself from regular migraines.
Clarity: Migraine Relief
After helping my aunt, who struggled with migraines her whole life, I knew I needed to create something for everyone to have access to. My aunt was ready to try something new. Even with migraine medication- she still suffered from multiple migraines a week- and over a dozen per month.
After 3 x 15 min reflexology sessions per week for two weeks- her migraines for the first time began to lessen.
After a month of the sessions- she only had 2 migraines vs the 10+ she would normally have that same month.
After a series of sessions for 6 weeks- she now rarely gets them.
This course is for those of you who want an easy, implementable way to relieve your migraines in the comfort of your own home, alleviate your dependence on medication and get back to living your life without the constant and nagging threat of a migraine.
In this course you will:
- Learn the easy 15 minute process that has taken my clients from being dependent on migraine medication to rarely even needing it.
- Develop the tools needed to alleviate chronic migraine reoccurrence- stopping them before they even start.
- Get back to living your life without the need to worry about where you are and what you are doing when the migraine strikes.
- Have access to the information for life- easily coming back to it again and again for yourself and loved ones.
- Never feel trapped again by the chronic pain you have felt and that has plagued your life for so long.
What is Face Reflexology and Why It Works:
In the 1980's Professor Bùi Quôc Châu, a Vietnamese acupuncturist, did clinical work on millions of addicts in Saigon. Through this he found fixed points on the face that affect our organs and body parts. His treatments were very successful. He wanted to create a system for his patients to be able to do at home. Since he couln’t send them home with acupuncture needles he found a way to use a “detector” pen which has a rounded tip and does not puncture the skin, to stimulate these fixed points. Through the years there have been new ways of using this traditional form of reflexology by stimulating the entire zone rather that the points. In my opinion both methods are very effective and I use both methods in my treatment room depending on the client.
Face Reflexology uses different points and zones on the face to help balance and regulate your systems-nervous system and automated nervous system, your brainwaves, organs and physical body . You can experience reduced anxiety, sleep troubles, lack of motivation, pain in the body- it is very helpful for back, neck, shoulder pain and migraines.
Some additional testimonials and reviews:
For the person who is tired of needing to take medication due to reoccurring migraines. Who is ready to take their wellness into their own hands.
Your why:
You have tried different things to help relive you of regular migraines. You're ready to stop the migraines before they even start.
Does this sound like you?
You get migraines multiple times a month and need to take medication to get through your days. You are ready to try something new, something natural, something you can do on yourself.
What this is:
This is a simple online pre recorded class that you can come to time and again. You will learn a simple face reflexology protocol to do on yourself. In the beginning you will take 15 min a day to treat yourself. Within a months time you should be able to scale back considerably. My clients who come in for this weekly have gone off to experiencing no migraines plus no face reflexology treatments for up to 6 months. You will have the power in your own hands to cultivate the right treatment for yourself.
What's included:
2 pre recorded videos plus content to teach and support you on migraine relief.
What you will need:
I recommend a reflexology pen.
When this is:
The class will launch January 1st!